by Barb McGann (Author) 2024
All The Great Horses (And How They Enriched My Life Through The Years) is a new ebook release from Idaho Endurance rider Barb McGann. It joins the Endurance.net bookshelf as a keeper!
Seen through the eyes of a horse-crazy young 9-year-old girl, and now, a mature horse-crazy adult with a lifetime of equine wisdom, McGann shares with readers stories of some of the most memorable horses and riding adventures throughout her lifetime. From her first Quarter horse/Morgan mare Lil to her last horses Katie and Ellie, she recounts the accomplishments and personalities of these special horses that touched her heart and set the course(s) of her life.
As a young girl, McGann and her mom ran a riding stable in the red rock canyons of Utah, and besides the memorable horses they owned, taking German soldiers stationed at White Sands, NM, provided endless miles and memories and, in some cases, entertainment for both McGann and the German Dudes.
Once McGann discovered Endurance riding in the 1970s, the horse adventures took off in a whole new direction. Riding Arabians, Saddlebreds, Standardbreds, Quarter horses, and a Tennessee Walker over the decades, McGann’s escapades in and out of the saddle will surprise and delight anyone who has ever had - or wanted - a horse of their own.
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